Picking your mapped area on OpenOrienteeringMap

Click and drag the blue dot to move the centre of the map
Alter map title by clicking on the pencil icon

  1. Visit version 4 of the OpenOrienteeringMap website
  2. Zoom in to find the area you want or search using the postcode box at the top-right
  3. Click on the point you want to be the centre of your map
  4. Alter the scale and aspect (landscape vs portrait) as desired. Leave the page size as A4
  5. Move the centre of the map by dragging the blue dot until you have covered the area you want
  6. Alter the map title to describe the area and pick your club from the menu (if listed)

If your base map for planning will be a IOF-standard map and you are only using OpenOrienteeringMap to generate a KMZ to act as the background for tracks on results, then the actual area does not need to match exactly (as the KMZ is geo-referenced).