Adding more information on your map
The Add Special Item menu allows you add images and text as well as white areas as background to make them more clear
Using Purple Pen you can add extra information on your map such as:
- Your club logo
- The MapRun logo
- The QR code from that can be scanned to view the event page. This may be a bit catch-22 as the QR code cannot be generated until the course is uploaded, so you must get the course uploaded, synchronised to and then get the QR code
- The QR code from that can be scanned to view the course results. If you have an event that has multiple courses, you can either just use the event page QR (which itself has links to the results) or adjust which QR code is displayed on which course in Purple Pen
- A postcode for navigation to the parking
- A longer description of the start
You can also make minor map corrections or to add back navigationally-important features if you have had to hide certain features from your OpenOrienteeringMap such as:
- Green lines to denote hedges that cannot be crossed, e.g. round a churchyard
- Thick black lines to denote important walls that will block a route
- Thick purple lines down the centre of roads that must not be crossed (Uncrossable Boundary)
- Hashed areas of out-of-bounds covering school fields, for example
- Crosses along paths that are not publically accessible